Workshop Concept

We have been dreaming about telling you what we have been thinking and imagining with our workshop program. So here we would like to leave you with a few words to explore this section and provide food for your own thoughts and feelings.

As you may know, for us this project means we are on a constant journey of creation and creativity. We have come to realize that this process goes so much deeper than we have expected it to be. It really moves us on so many different levels – We have encountered new input on a physical, cultural and mental level which is why our workshop concept rests on precisely these pillars.

Body, Mind, Culture and Soul.

With these pillars in mind we have created a program that you can enjoy around the whole site.

We hope that you may find time for you and your processes.

We hope the you may move.

We hope that you may grow.

Love & rockets, now go and enjoy!

Into the Void by Las Maleantes
Akelarre by Las Maleantes
Boundary Setting & Self Defense - Workshop for FLINTA*

Workshop for FLINTA*

Boundary setting & Self-defense

(on a Festival)

++++++++ Make the Festival your safe-space ++++++++

Voll gelabert, angetanzt, belästigt, angefasst oder jemand kommt dir einfach „nur“ zu Nahe?
Das alles muss nicht sein und du musst auch nichts davon ertragen!
In dem Workshop lernen wir einfache und wirksame Techniken um uns vom Hals zu halten was uns zu
Nahe kommt. Durch Körpersprache, kommunikative & physische Techniken lernen wir Grenzen setzten
und sie zu verteidigen.
Da FLINTA*s immernoch besonders betroffen von geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt sind und diese
Thematik ein Safe-space braucht, ist der Workshop exklusiv für FLINTA*s.

You’ve been talked to, danced at, harassed,
touched or someone simply „just“ gets too close to you?
None of that has to happen and you don’t have to put up with any of it!
In the workshop we will learn simple and effective techniques
to keep what comes too close to us at bay.
Through body language, communicative & physical techniques
we will learn to set boundaries and defend them.
As FLINTA*s are still particularly affected by gender-based violence
and this topic needs a safe space, the workshop is exclusively for FLINTA*s.

Workhop by:
Silvana (she/her) from Coaching for Revolution
Trainer for Empowerment Self-defense (ESD) & Coach


Einführung in die Kunst des Eierverzierens nach sorbischer Tradition
sorbische/wendische Ostereier-Verzierungstechniken mit Lausitzer Motiven in Wachsbossiertechnik

Resonant Body Painting

What moves you and your body? What does your body want to tell? This workshop is about connecting with yourself and others. It is about tapping into your creativity, sharing, listening and painting together. Communication is key and consent is queen! Your canvas can be nude or fully clothed or anything in between. The artwork can be on small body parts, like face or hands, or on your whole body. Explore seeing yourself through the eyes of another human being, through art, through another body.

The workshop does not intend any sexual actions!

Thai Yoga Massage

„Thai yoga massage is an old tradition with its roots in yoga practices.
It is an interplay of weight and balance and works with body lines and
gravity. In the workshop, we will work in pairs of two with the receiver
lying on the back (suspine position). You are welcome to bring a friend
or come alone – we will partner up before the workshop. After a small
introduction to the practice, Eva will guide you through a Thai yoga
massage from head to toe. There will be two rounds so that each person
will give as well as receive a massage. If you practice yoga you will
recognize many postures/asanas, but this is not a prerequisite!“

Sensual Storytelling

Get the juices flowing with sensual writing exercises and release your luscious lustful side in this sensual storytelling workshop. Discover the main elements of writing sensual stories, sexting or good old dirty talk in an open setting. This is for anyone curious in expressing their desires regardless of age, gender or sex. Facilitated by Pauly, an artist, performer and facilitator exploring realms of connection, empathy and hedonism in a playful and vulnerable manner.

Slutty Triathlon

We will extensively train you in the 3 most important disciplines in slutty motion art: Slutdrops, Twerking & lapdancing. We will prepare you for your first slutty Iron Ma’am.

Pinky Promise is a party collective aiming to create spaces and experiences that further sexual exploration and playful connection amongst strangers and lovers. We believe all of us deserve to have the freedom, space, and permission to discover and be the fullest expression of ourselves, beyond the limitations and prejudices of existing societal structures. By sharing our knowledge, skills, and perspectives, we open ourselves up to a richer experience of life, ourselves, and each other.

In our events, workshops and sensual games, we bring up taboo topics that aren’t easily or widely spoken about in the aim to shed some light on all of our contradictions, confusions, experiences and secrets so we can clear the ground for new understandings and deepen our intimacy beyond shame, judgment, and constraint.

EYE C LIT – facepaint as fuxk

Gönn dir ein paar Minuten Wohlfühlzeit, in der wir deine inneren
Quirks & Sparkles mit farbenfrohen Pinselstrichen nach außen kehren.
Du hast die Wahl: Komm mit deiner eigenen Vision, lass uns
zusammen etwas aushecken oder sei die Leinwand für ein kleines
Denn mit einem kecken Facepaint lässt ́s sich lit abfeiern!
EYE C LIT ist eine dubiose Facepaint-Künstlerin aus Berlin mit wenig
Fame, viel Ambition und super sanftem Fingerspitzengefühl.

Hemp For Future - Screening & Hemp Seedball Workshop

Kommt am Freitag

Capoeira Angola

by Tito Casal

„Capoeira Angola is a good opportunity to learn how to balance yourself physically, but above all emotionally.
How to relate your own body with other bodies? How to always be aware of what is around you? How important is it to look into the eyes without fear? How to move in the rhythm of life and react with awareness? More than learning new moves and tricks (also cool!!) capoeira teaches about collectivity and how to respect the individuality within it.“

Who we are:
Tito Casal was long time student of the capoeira master Mestre Claudio in Brazil and now continues his teachings giving regular weekly classes in his Capoeira Angola group “Angoleiros do Sertão (Berlin’s nucleus)”, organized in 2015, situated in Neukölln (Berlin, Germany).
The original school was founded by his capoeira master in Bahia, Brazil. The tradition of the school dates from the 80’s.
Today the school consists of more than 30 nucleus worldwide in countries like Germany, England, Finland, Colombia, USA and many cities/states in Brazil.
We focus on the body movement, music, rituals and philosophy that express the traditional Capoeira Angola dance, fight and theatricality

Film Screening "Mad World"

Jeden Tag tragen wir zum Wachstum unserer Gesellschaft bei. Das Verlangen von Freiheit und Zufriedenheit ist immer wieder ein Trend. Hunger nach Reichtümern und möglichst viel und schnell konsumieren. Den Sorgen und der Last entkommen und sich gerne hin und wieder mit dem smarten Bildschirm ablenken. Das ist unser Alltag.

– „Da sind wir sehr gut darin, warum auch nicht?!“-

Genau das möchten wir in dem Poetry-Kurzfilm kritisieren! – „Wenn wir nur das Gute sehen wollen, wie wird sich die Welt weiter entwickeln?“

Durch Tanz, Musik, Cinematographie und dramatische Darbietung hält der Film unserer Gesellschaft einen Spiegel vor.

„Mad World“ ist ein unabhängiger Kunstfilm, welcher zwischen Sommer & Herbst 2021 produziert und nur mit einem Smartphone gefilmt wurde.

Meego Marrón – Screenwriter und Regisseur

Gabrielle Kwarteng – Producer und Videographin

Nude Drawing

Unleash your creativity and celebrate body positivity with this dynamic and fun group drawing session. The workshop will lead you through the joys of looking, sensing and capturing the essence of bodies in their naked magnificence. Everyone is welcome to join in; come as a model or a drawer or both! No experience necessary 

Grounding Earth Yoga Flow & Meditation

This yoga workshop will connect you to the earth using slow-moving asana and grounding pranayama, mudras and meditations. Slow, steady vinyasa movement will help you connect to the earth and draw that grounded energy through your entire body.

The sequence begins slowly – just like the movement of the earth – our aim is to sustain this grounded yet fluid energy.

Rooting to the earth can mean many things, but ultimately references rooting to whatever is ancient and stable and grounded. You’ll access this power, let it inspire you, and ground you through practicing pranayama and an earth-themed meditation. Have a rock, crystal, stone, mala bead, or another object you connect with to help you draw energy from the earth element.

You will leave the practice feeling rooted, nourished and energized to bring this same focus and strength of mind to every aspect of your life.


What to bring along?

Yoga mat (or cloth), water, and something you connect with the earth (e.g. a rock, crystal, stone, mala bead)

Who will guide you through the practice?

Cori is certified Vinyasa and Tantra Yoga Teacher, based in Berlin and Content Marketing Manager for the online Yogastudio YogaEasy in Hamburg. Say hello @namaste_berlin

Shitbingo with Goldeimer

We play Bingo and talk about Shit as a ressource!

FLINTA* DJ Workshop

Herzlich Willkommen bei FEMQUENCY!
Wir sind ein Berliner Kollektiv, das DJ-Workshops für FLINTA*-Personen anbietet. Neugierig geworden?
In unserem Workshop vermitteln wir Euch die wichtigsten Basics und führen Euch Stück für Stück an grundlegende Funktionen des Equipments heran. Dabei lautet unsere Philosophie: Es gibt keine dummen Fragen!
Uns ist es wichtig, dass Ihr Unsicherheiten loswerdet und sämtliche Fragen rund um das Thema Auflegen stellen könnt. Gemeinsam schaffen wir uns dafür die Atmosphäre, die wir brauchen.
Bei FEMQUENCY (Female Frequencies) geht es darum, einen Safer Space zu kreieren, in dem FLINTA* Personen sich untereinander austauschen und wohlfühlen können.
Das Akronym FLINTA* steht für Frauen, Lesben, Intersexuelle, Nicht-binäre, Trans und Agender.
Wenn wir euer Interesse geweckt haben, seid ihr herzlich eingeladen, an unserem DJ-Workshop beim Lusatia-Festival teilzunehmen.
Ahoi und Cheers! Wir freuen uns auf euch.



Welcome to FEMQUENCY!
We are a Berlin collective offering DJ workshops for FLINTA* people. Are you curious?
In our workshop we teach you the most important basics and introduce you step by step to the basic functions of the equipment. Our philosophy is: There are no stupid questions!
It is important to us that you get rid of uncertainties and can ask all questions about the topic of DJing. Together we create the atmosphere we need.
FEMQUENCY (Female Frequencies) is about creating a safe space where FLINTA* people can exchange ideas and feel comfortable with each other.
The acronym FLINTA* stands for women, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender.
If we have piqued your interest, you are invited to join our DJ workshop at the Lusatia Festival.
Ahoy and cheers! We are looking forward to seeing you.


Heart Chor

A transcosmic performance collective of tantalizing singers that will fire you straight into the heart of their love galaxy! Heart Chor sings and performs out of joy, curiosity and passion, radically spreading the message of LOVE. Body positivity, self-love and acceptance are its core values. With its trademark ‘The Ode to Nipples’, Heart Chor supports the Free the Nipple Movement. This is definitely not your typical choir so be ready to melt into a sexy supernova of nippelicious tunes!

Rebirthing Breathwork
Body Conscious Tango

About me:
Diego Sanoguera (Spain,33) is a tango enthusiast and music festival lover. These two elements combined eventually took him to offer tango workshops in different electronic music festivals and events.
In order to adapt the workshop to the festivals‘ audience, he added components from contact improvisation and tantra – which he was able to learn in Berlin and Ibiza respectively.

About the workshop:
Everybody needs a hug. Forget about the clichés associated with tango and understand it as a danced fusion of two bodies. As an act of radical listening to each other, we will explore different ways of connecting with people, in partners and also collectively through different exercises, focusing on the embrace as a tool to enter a trance state: the walking meditation.

Fluid Body into Contact with Bodywork

Together we’ll go on a journey of exploring the juicy fluidity of our dancing bodies moulding and weaving through and with space.
We’ll gently introduce tools and beautiful ways to get into contact with other bodies, findings ways to support each other and let go together. Tapping into and receiving a multitude of sensations through shared touch and weight in a soft and playful way and in a safe space will lead into a regenerative bodywork session to invigorate your body and soul. Any level welcome!

Feministisches Quiz

Was steckt hinter den Buchstaben LSBTI, CSD und FLINTA? Warum sind alle Pride
Veranstaltungen nach der einen Straße in New York benannt? Was hat ein Institut für
Sexualwissenschaft der 1920er Jahre und die afrodeutsche Bewegung der 1980er Jahre mit der
heutigen queeren Bewegung zu tun? Was bedeutet queer überhaupt und was ist feministisch an
dem Ganzen?

Feminist Pursuits laden ein zum queerfeministischen Quiz-Workshop! Probiert euer Wissen aus,
ratet wild drauf los, tauscht euch aus und lernt voneinander. Mit Fragen und unserem
gemeinsamen Input zu queerfeministischem Wissen, Aktivismus und Herstory quizzen wir
generationenübergreifend gegen- und miteinander. Wir wollen beim gemeinsamen Spielen und
Raten Möglichkeiten zum Austausch bieten und Spaß haben.
Wir sind Feminist Pursuits, eine Gruppe von aktivistischen Feminist*innen, die sich
zusammengefunden haben, um Kneipen-Quizzes und ein Brettspiel zu entwickeln, mit deren
Hilfe wir eine Bandbreite feministischer, emanzipatorischer, intersektionaler Themen, Kämpfe,
Personen und Ereignisse sichtbarer und für viele Menschen zugänglich machen wollen… beim

Slow speed dating

Have you found yourself looking for meaningful forms of intimacy but haven’t had luck in the dating scene? Have you got a deep craving to delve deeper into more inspiring and playful forms of connection without the banal forms of small talk to get there? Whether you are looking for a new partner to join you on adventures, a sensual lover to tickle your desires or simply another soul to lubricate your curiosity, our slow speed dating games will seek to elevate your senses and your activate your lust for life! We welcome you into a sweet and nurturing experience filled with games and exercises aimed to provide you a space to show up as the fullest version of yourself where your imperfections are celebrated and your prejudices challenged. Turn up alone, end up in love!

Pinky Promise is a party collective aiming to create spaces and experiences that further sexual exploration and playful connection amongst strangers and lovers. We believe all of us deserve to have the freedom, space, and permission to discover and be the fullest expression of ourselves, beyond the limitations and prejudices of existing societal structures. By sharing our knowledge, skills, and perspectives, we open ourselves up to a richer experience of life, ourselves, and each other.

In our events, workshops and sensual games, we bring up taboo topics that aren’t easily or widely spoken about in the aim to shed some light on all of our contradictions, confusions, experiences and secrets so we can clear the ground for new understandings and deepen our intimacy beyond shame, judgment, and constraint.

Cisgender Privilegien


Cisgender Privilegien
Wenn es um Transfeindlichkeit und Diskriminierung geht wird häufig über trans* und nicht-binäre Personen als Opfer gesprochen.
Was jedoch häufig außer acht gelassen wird ist unsere Kultur, welche Cisgeschlechtlichkeit normalisiert und in deren Mitte Transfeindlichkeit gedeiht.
Dieser Workshop richtet den Blick auf die strukturelle Ebene von Transfeindlichkeit und möchte einen Austausch und kollektive Reflexion anregen.
Ziel ist es cisgender Privilegien zu erforschen und zu analysieren wie diese genutzt werden können um sich mit trans* und nicht-binären Personen zu solidarisieren.


Cisgender Privilege
When it comes to transphobia and discrimination, trans* and non-binary people are often talked about as victims.
What is often left out, however, is our culture, which normalizes cisgenderness and in whose midst transphobia thrives.
This workshop focuses on the structural level of transphobia and aims to stimulate exchange and collective reflection.
The goal is to explore cisgender privileges and analyze how they can be used to show solidarity with trans* and non-binary people.

Moove & Groove

We all love to be on the dance floor, connect with each other and dive deep into the rhythm of music.
For me it is always kind of a playground, too.
When your body connects with a beat, there are infinite possibilities of movements and exploring the dynamic between music and your resonating body parts.
I created this workshop for exploring and finding this different grooves and to flow more into the common space and the present moment.
I invite you to connect with your inner child and soothe the inner critic . We will play, move, groove and just be here with ourselves and each other. And the most important thing: Lets have fun together and fill this beautiful place with joy!
Everyone is welcome!

Acro Yoga

Acro Yoga Workshop
It is time to reconnect and to play: Welcome to our open level Acro Yoga Workshop!
Acro Yoga emerged from the fusion of Western acrobatics, yoga and Thai massage. It combines strengthening solar elements with relaxing lunar elements such as therapeutic flying and Thai massage. In the workshop, we will work together on different positions (base, flyer, spotter) and techniques of Acro Yoga. We will do preliminary exercises on coordination, body tension and balance to build up trust and to strengthen the connectivity in our group. Then we will move to smaller groups, in which we will explore different figures and flows. These include the Flyer, the Shoulder Stand, the Folded Leaf, the Throne … and many more! We will round off the workshop with stretching exercises together. Afterwards you can jam freely and put into practice what you have learned… Let’s fly together! =)

Bring along:
Water, comfortable not too loose clothing, yoga mat (cloth on grass if necessary).

You should not be afraid of physical contact; yoga experience is an advantage, but not a condition for participation; you do not need to come with a partner, as we work dynamically as a group.

About me

Eva-Maria Graf was born 1991 in Mannheim (Germany) and is based in Berlin. She works as a facilitator, teacher and programme coordinator in the field of sustainable (urban) development and international cooperation with the Global South.
Since 2015, she has also been working as a certified Hatha Yoga teacher (200h) with +300h teaching experience. She has been teaching Hatha and Power Yoga at different venues, e.g. Humboldt University, Heilehaus e.V. and at many festivals. In 2017, Eva founded “Acropathie” to delve further into the field of AcroYoga, bodywork and Thai Massage. Her workshops and retreats are about community building, conscious connection and strengthening body and mind. She has a passion for teaching and loves to transfer her learnings from yoga and meditation to her professional work. In the wake of the corona crisis she decided to work deeper on the interrelations between physical and mental health and underwent a 75h training course on stress management and mindfulness at Yoga Vidya.

Helden auf Tanz

Geprägt von Neugier, Offenheit und Mitmenschlichkeit kreieren Liane & Julian mit dem Transformationstanz eine Spielwiese, auf der Du in Kontakt mit Deinem Innersten kommst.
Ein Tanz, um lebendig zu erleben, was deine Vision, dein Wunsch, deine Sehnsucht ist – dein DAFÜR. Diesem Anteil gegenüber steht dein DAGEGEN – der Widerstand in Dir, der dich noch daran hindert deine Vision ins Leben zu bringen und zu leben.

Du wirst Dein Dafür und dein Dagegen im Tanz erforschen, diese beiden Pole vereinen und transformieren. So kann eine neue kraftvolle Qualität entstehen, um Dein Potential voll zu leben.


Makramee beschreibt eine Knüpftechnik,
die auf einer überschaubaren Anzahl von
Knoten basiert. Von simplen Armbändern
über Blumenampeln bis hin zu großen
Wandteppichen sind der Fantasie mit
dieser Technik kaum Grenzen gesetzt.
Ursprünglich stammt Makramee aus
dem Orient, aber insbesondere in
Lateinamerika hat sich daraus eine
blühende Schmuckkultur entwickelt.

Wir laden euch herzlich dazu ein, mit uns in die Anfänge
der Makrameekunst einzutauchen. Mit uns lernt ihr die
Grundtechniken zum Knüpfen von Armbändern und

Fußkettchen oder wie ihr Edel- und Natursteine einfas-
sen könnt, um daraus euer handgemachtes Schmuck-
stück zu kreieren.

Unser Wunsch ist es, für diese meditative Arbeit zu be-
geistern und euch eine Welt zu eröffnen, die sich nur

mit Zeit und Geduld erschließen lässt. Um eigenen Ma-
kramee Schmuck zu schaffen braucht ihr weder teures
Material oder professionelle Werkzeuge noch eine Fülle
komplizierter Techniken. Mit unserer Herangehensweise
erfahrt ihr, wie ihr nur mithilfe eures Körpers und einer
gewachsten Schnur – egal ob im Park, auf Reisen, im Bus
oder Zuhause auf der Couch – durch Entschleunigung kreativ werdet.

Lausitzer Märchenreise

Vom Wassermann und dem goldenen Gütlein

Die Lausitz ist reich an originellen Sagengestalten – weniger reich an Märchen.
Woran liegt das?
Die Märchenerzählerin Ute Fisch nimmt Euch mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die
sorbisch/wendische Märchenwelt.

Sustainable Masculinity

What I’m doing…
I work as a healing artist and support & accompany people to find out more about themselves. Through touch and movement of the body, through conscious breathing and conversations, I accompany you step by step on the path of the body’s own self-healing. Together we will integrate what we have experienced and the new insights into everyday life. For this I use different tools like breathwork, bodywork and coaching’s.
I personally accompany in individual sessions, group sessions, workshops and offer special formats for men in which we explore questions such as: What does masculinity actually mean for me?
In addition to my work with all genders and people with every cultural background, I offer an individual Safe Space for BIPOC’s (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and for men.

What I offer…
I offer safer spaces for men to become self-aware and recognize our true qualities without having to live up to expectations. Away from the outdated conditioning of a man and towards healthy, conscious sustainable masculinity. To come to one’s center in an authentic, vulnerable and responsible way and to draw strength from it.
Getting in touch with your own feminine / masculine energy and bringing it into balance. To connect with yourself and stay there, but also to connect with other men.

I call it sustainable masculinity, here we come together and the focus is on sharing our own story and listening. Learn to take responsibility for yourself and stand up for yourself. Living your own vulnerability as a strength.

The intention is to meet us with open hearts. This gives us the opportunity to grow and let go of old toxic energy and experience new sustainable masculinity.

Deep Talk & Playful Connection

Deep Talk & Playful Connection

Imagine that with any person and any stranger you can build a really beautiful and open connection with and develop it from there. This workshop will get you into an intimate connection space right away, that then you enter the Festival with a whole different energy.

About the facilitator:
Jennifer Kytka is a systemic coach, mediator and space holder that specializes in communication and conscious connection. Guiding individuals and groups, Jen focuses on the practice of presence and compassion, creating safer and braver spaces in which you can shed your protective layers and truly connect to yourself and others. Through various embodiment tools supporting authenticity and empathy she enables people to access self-acceptance, lightness and joy.

The Sensual Restaurant

Come and be welcomed into an intimate interactive experience for hungry pleasure seekers. Whether you are with a partner, lover or platonic pal, sit down for a meal you will not forget as our waitresses take you on a journey to explore your desires & secrets in a tender and playful way
Pinky Promise is a party collective aiming to create spaces and experiences that further sexual exploration and playful connection amongst strangers and lovers. We believe all of us deserve to have the freedom, space, and permission to discover and be the fullest expression of ourselves, beyond the limitations and prejudices of existing societal structures. By sharing our knowledge, skills, and perspectives, we open ourselves up to a richer experience of life, ourselves, and each other.

In our events, workshops and sensual games, we bring up taboo topics that aren’t easily or widely spoken about in the aim to shed some light on all of our contradictions, confusions, experiences and secrets so we can clear the ground for new understandings and deepen our intimacy beyond shame, judgment, and constraint.

Exploring Contact

a blink.
a gaze.
let’s meet each other
in the mystery
called home.

Following the idea of Lusatia we start the workshop to connect with the earth. Where is my home? What is happening when I open the windows and doors to invite and explore the universe around me? Together we explore the basics of contact improvisation leading in your own dances. The workshop gives you the possibility to (re-)connect with yourself as well as with each other in a safe space.
We all start and end the workshop together. In the beginning Iam sharing some guidelines for the workshop. Everyone is welcome.