Workshop Concept

We have been dreaming about telling you what we have been thinking and imagining with our workshop program. So here we would like to leave you with a few words to explore this section and provide food for your own thoughts and feelings.

As you may know, for us this project means we are on a constant journey of creation and creativity. We have come to realize that this process goes so much deeper than we have expected it to be. It really moves us on so many different levels – We have encountered new input on a physical, cultural and mental level which is why our workshop concept rests on precisely these pillars.

Body, Mind, Culture and Soul.

With these pillars in mind we have created a program that you can enjoy around the whole site.

We hope that you may find time for you and your processes.

We hope the you may move.

We hope that you may grow.

Love & rockets, now go and enjoy!